

Wow, that list will be real exhaustive.

I think I will have to determine how I will handle all this after so much years.

I would have to do a recap of all my burnt CDs from the Win95-era until now. As much as I want these explicitly demonstrated and explained as part of my experience with files over the years, I'd like to GTD as fast as I can. Indexing all of my files and make a rundown? Surely that would be a solution, but having that extensive load of these to 'review' can be intense, real intense.

I could do it the 'live' way, by doing some writing on some of those 'bumping into it' situations where the file is the topic of the day. For now, I'll go by the traditional "understand your geeky roots to later understand the point" and should be able to start the posts' flowing.

From there 'till now, all of the Zu's seen files.

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